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Writer's pictureTaraG

The Congruency Test

Struggling to make a big life decision?

(whether big or small)

About a job or relationship, or as simple as what to eat…

Welcome to WW wonderful humans! 

Todays exercise is a NLP tool I learnt off my coach & it has helped each & everyone of my clients that I have done this with. 


It was an exercise that actually helped hubby & I go from fear of trying for a family, to KNOWING we wanted to try!

Let’s get straight into it…

The congruency test.

Definition of congruency: the quality of being similar to or in agreement with something. It’s the heck yes. A feeling of alignment. 

I want you to think of a time in your life when you have experienced this. 

Now close down your eyes. 

Feel where you feel this congruency in your body. 

Is this feeling light or heavy?Big or small? 

Does it have a colour?

Clear the screen…

Incongruency definition: the state or condition of not being in agreement, accordance, or harmony

I want you to think of a time in your life when you have experienced this. 

Now close down your eyes. 

Feel where you feel this incongruency in your body. 

Is this feeling light or heavy?Big or small? 

Does it have a colour?

Clear the screen…

Now I want you to think of two possible scenarios as a result of your decision.

Then think of the first one - imagine a time in the future, your decision has been made. It may be in 10 years, 1 month or even after lunch. 

Close your eyes. Does it feel congruent or incongruent? Remember those feelings. 

Repeat for the other scenario. 

If you are congruent with one over the other, this is your choice. 

If you are congruent with both, either outcome is fine. 

If you think there may be another option, repeat the exercise for this one also. 

Has this exercise helped to bring more clarity to your decision? 

When we work together, we throw this tool, and many other NLP tools ‘against the wall’ to see what sticks.

Just like diet - what works for one person, doesn’t necessarily work for another, and what works one day, may not work another day. 

If you are struggling with lack of motivation…

If you are feeling stuck…

If you would like some lifelong mindset tools to help you feel confident, motivated & maybe even excited for life, there are 2 ways I can help you before I start maternity leave in 7 weeks…

1️⃣ ‘Fertility 101 in the 21st century’: 6 week online group program

For anyone wanting a simple 5 step process to falling pregnant naturally in 2024

2️⃣ ‘Reset’: 6 week 1:1 coaching program 

For anyone wanting a simple starting point/to get back on track with their health.

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